Natural mosquito control calls for a multi-pronged approach to fight these disease-carrying pests. Smart landscaping that limits their breeding opportunities may be your best defense in this battle. At the same time, you will want to resist the temptation to use chemical bug sprays as repellents. Many people feel that using such sprays poses just as much of a health risk as allowing yourself to be bitten by mosquitoes.

Examples of Natural Mosquito Control Methods and Safe Repellents:
- Plant oils that can be applied to the skin as natural repellents; for example, those that come from citronella, castor bean plants, or catnip plants.
- Certain bath oils with repellent qualities. Many people swear by Avon’s Skin So Soft, although it is specifically Avon’s “Skin So Soft Bug Guard Plus” that is marketed as the true mosquito repellent.
- Devices such as the Mosquito Magnet.
- How you dress: Avoid dark clothing.
- Attacking the problem at the source: mosquito-larvae control.
- Staying organic in your landscape maintenance so as to avoid killing mosquito predators.
You have probably heard of one solution to the problem: the Mosquito Magnet (and similar products). It is a device that gives off a gas that mimics natural human breath, whereby it lures mosquitoes into its death chamber.
Even how you dress can influence whether you suffer mosquito bites. Mosquitoes are drawn to dark-colored clothing, so do your gardening in light-colored clothes.
Calling in a professional mosquito killer should be the last resort. If the situation gets worse you might want some expert advice on how to get to the root of the problem. For more information, you can visit PestControl4sa.
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