Even though a great number of businesses are moving towards the internet, many still rely solely on traditional marketing. A business sign is perhaps the oldest and foremost piece of marketing material. It helps customers know where you are and what you are.
But what good is a sign if no one can see it? Making your business sign visible to potential customers is just as important as creating an intriguing and unique sign. A sign should also be ideally placed and must be visible under certain conditions.
Illuminated signs are the best way to give your storefront a “pop.” It’s flashy – literally – but fulfills the purpose of providing visibility during the night and under certain weather conditions.
Here are some points to consider when choosing between different illumination signs.
LED vs. Neon - Which one triumphs?
On the surface, both LED and Neon signs are illuminated signs. They both “glow.” But, they are, in fact, different in the way they are made and how they get their luminance.

Although there are multiple ways to light a sign-up, LED-based signs are the most widely used option. They are cheaper, consume less power than traditional fluorescent bulbs, and go with just about any type of signage.
Neon signs, on the other hand, are produced by gasses trapped in the sign. Electricity passing through excites the gas molecules, causing them to produce luminance. It takes special expertise to craft neon signs. But, over the years, LEDs have replaced neon signs because they are cheaper to maintain, and are eco-friendly.

LEDs are powerful and cost-effective, and are used to light all types of signage, such as Chanel Letters and lower cost lightbox.
It comes down to your preference. LED signs are powerful enough to provide visibility under several conditions, but neon signs may serve better if you’re seeking to pair with a theme.
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