When you enter a business you don’t pay much attention to the sign above the doorway or on the building; or so you think. In truth, signs often have a major effect on the decisions we make during the day. This is why illuminated lightbox signs can be a valuable part of your marketing.

By Design
At first glance. illuminated lightbox signs may appear plain and simple, but a great deal of work goes into their design and construction. In fact, these signs are specifically designed for subtle attraction. The sign blends perfectly into the background while dominating the scenery.
Benefits of Illuminated Lightbox Signs
When you choose custom created illuminated signage, your business will receive these benefits:
Branding – the perfect location for company logo or slogan
Cost effective advertising – thanks to modern LED lighting you enjoy energy efficiency and long life bulbs.
Easy to maintain – easy letter changing for updates and price changes.
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